Saturday, January 17, 2009

Our Family at Logan's Blessing

Wow I finally scrapbooked! I really want to do more. I just can't get time to do it. This one was done when I went to Amy's to scrapbook for a couple hours. Logan actually slept through most of it!! I wish he would do that at home when I want to do something!

Monday, January 12, 2009

I need to follow my own advice...

Saturday Mike and I were trying to put some old family video's on the computer so I could edit them. Well for some reason my computer was acting really crazy. So Mike checked my Hard Drive and it was so full it was going to CRASH!! I have been working on cleaning up my folders and I had copied all my 2008 photo's to cd's but I hadn't put them on my External HD yet (it was too full also) and I wasn't ready to delete them from the computer. I was in trouble! So my Awesome Hubby went out and bought me a new 1 terabyte HD!! He came home and backed up my computer and then I deleted all my Scrapbooking and Photo's. That was half my computers space! I am so relieved that he looked into this. I would have lost everything! So this is just another reminder check your space and back up everything! We scrapbookers tend to download stuff like crazy and don't check our available space very often. So if you haven't already, back it up! Sorry for no layouts! I will hopefully be getting a scrapbook night soon and have lots of stuff to share! It is hard to hold a baby in one hand and scrapbook with the other!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Re-Do of #3

Here is my re-do of the 3rd on down on the previous post! I like this one much better....
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Friday, January 9, 2009

Jaden's Baptism Pages

These are the pages I made up for Jaden's Baptism. I had a lot of fun doing these ones. I will probably change the third one down - it's too busy for me, but that will have to wait. The more I play with it, the more I don't like it. I guess I'll have to come back to it when my creative juices are flowing again. ;) I sure hope you guys start posting some layouts - I miss all the ideas! Where is everyone anyway!?!
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Thursday, January 8, 2009

Baby Announcement

I cant believe that I never posted these! I hope everyone had a good Christmas. I am hoping to get some time to scrapbook soon. If Logan ever lets my put him down!

Just a good thing to do!

Take all your 2008 photo's and Layouts and organize them. Copy them onto an Exturnal HD and to CD's. With the new year I always clean up my computer and put all my photo's in a safe place. I also like to get them off my computer so that I have more room for the new year's photo's. You never know when something will crash. So take time now to back it up!

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Hey girls, ladies...

I'm participating in the ADSR this year. It just started today. You can check out my team's blog here. It's already been a learning experience!