Wednesday, November 28, 2007


All those wanting to join this RS Group or have joined and dont know where to start....
We will have a question and answer get together after the 1st of the year.
As for now, there may be little going on with this blog until then. Since we are all in the Fast Moving, Christmas Shopping, Candy Making, Crafting, Christmas Holiday Season!

Monday, November 26, 2007

You're Invited

I'm glad I can reach a handful of you this way! I'm going to be handing these out but I'm afraid of missing some people who would really want to know. If you could help spread the word, I would be really grateful!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

A work in progress

A very good friend of mine gave me some album pages for a baby gift. They are super cute and I've decided to make a book with them. I'm going to make it like a counting book 1-10. So far, I have pages 1 and 5 done. Other ideas are toes for the 10 page and his little eyes cracked open for the 2 page. Maybe I'll take a picture during one of the nighttime feedings and use it for the 3 or 4 (AM) page. I plan to have some pages of comments people have made and leave some blank pages for others to jot down a message. I'm motivated to see this project finished because it is looking so cute!

30 Minute 10 minutes

I got hung up on the shading for the text, so I went overtime a bit. This is my first time using Christmas papers! The kit is "Joy to the World" from Simply Sarah.

Sunday, November 18, 2007


Here he is!

We're already learning his likes and dislikes.

He LIKES to eat.

He LIKES to be held.

He HATES having his diaper changed.

He sure looks like a Collett.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


On your new baby boy!!!

love ya, Kristy

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Challenge Layout

Here is my challenge layout finally! Shacone where are you?!

I getting paid to scrapbook! My mom's coworker is having me do her scrapbooks for christmas! I was going to paper scrap them but I just like digital better and couldnt get in the groove. So here are some of the layouts I have done.

Thursday, November 8, 2007


I first made this black and white so I could then colorize it any color later. I also made beads the same way. Again I'm havign more fun makeing elements than doing layouts, but my computer at home where my pictures are is still broken. Kristy, I found my photo shop disks. Big relief.


Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Here's my challenge.....

This one actually only took me 15 minutes to do. It's not my favorite, but it will work!


OK, WERE ARE YOU??? I guess we need a challenge to get us all moving.

CHALLENGE!! 30 Minutes Layouts!

I want to see what you can do in 30 minutes. Get your photos picked out and then start a timmer! I know you can do it. I hope to see lots of layouts.
