Monday, June 30, 2008


I am so excited!!! I really like it. Some of the photo's didn't look like what I expected. But I didn't look very close at the photo's before I ordered the book. If you want to check it out I will bring it to "Picnic at the Park" Wed. 11:30.

Remember that Challenge?

I finally got around to doing it! Last week was a busy one at Sunshine Studios and I was trying to complete all of their challenges...I was highly motivated by the prizes!

But that's all over (THANKFULLY) and I sat myself down this morning to get this done. Only it's not morning anymore, it's 3 PM. Oh well. I'm good at watching time slip away from me.

I picked Kristy's LO from October last year. This one:

I turned it to the side and came up with this one. The kit is called "Paper Garden" and is a collaboration between two Sunshine designers (Nicole and Franziska). You can check it out here.

I used Galant and FiffigB fonts.

I'm pretty pleased with how it came out. (I've had my share of bombs, that's for sure!)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Christmas in June

I'm getting closer to getting done with Hayden's second year! Yeah!!! I'm doing Christmas pages now and his b-day is the end of January so it's close!!! I can see the end. This is a Shabby Princess Kit called Holiday Magic (i think). The letters are from the Promise kit. I'm not sure if they go together though. What do you think?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Mexico Shutterfly Book

Here is the link to my Mexico Book. I did not scrapbook it myseft. I used on that they already had scrapbooked. It was really easy to plug my photo's in and it was already digitally done.

Monday, June 23, 2008

I did another challenge page!!

I like scraplifting pages so I decided to do another one! I used a kit from Shabby Princess I think it's called Dinner Party. And I used another of Heathers layouts! Here is my page:

Heather's is a few posts down!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

I did the challenge!

I used a layout Heather did. I didn't even realize the pictures were fairly similar (both in a basket) until after I started. I thought that was kind of funny. I was just looking for a layout with six pictures that I liked and hadn't used yet. Because I have gone through this blog and used tonz of layouts from everyone!!

Anyway here is my page:
And here is Heather's page:

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Mexico Scrapbook

I have been working on my Mexico Scrapbook. I am using some QP kits I bought so none of them will work for the challenge. But I am actually posting!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I finished my challenge.....

I went back through a bunch of old posts looking for a page with 3-4 pictures on it that I could scraplift and I found one by Lacy. I love the layout and had a lot of fun with it. I changed it around a little bit to fit my papers and pictures better. Anyway, I thought this was kind of fun. Hope you guys do too!!!

Here is my page:

And here is Lacy's page that I scraplifted from:

I've been scrapping

These have been for challenges at Sunshine Studios. They're different sizes depending on how I saved them.

I'm still planning on doing Heather's Challenge soon. :)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I Challenge You!!!! (and there's a cool freebie)

Here is a page that I made for a scraplift challenge over at Scrap Orchard. It was a lot of fun to do, I got to thinking that it might be a fun challenge for us to do here. So I challenge you to find a layout here on this blog that you like (can't be your own!) and let it inspire you for your own page. Post your layout here and refer to the page you scraplifted from! - does that make sense!?!?

Oh, and you need to go check out Scrap Orchard's free'bee' today. It's a three part kit (on three different blogs). It's a very cute space themed kit!

Friday, June 13, 2008

My brother and I

This was fun - I hadn't extracted anything in a while and thought that this was the perfect picture to do it!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A fixed page!

I fixed this page up to better fit some other pages I had made to go with it! I was fixing it and had just hit Save when the power went out and I wasn't sure if it got saved or not, but it did! Anyway, I was glad I wasn't going to have to do it all over again....

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The morning is gone

Here is why. I'm not sure this was a really good use of my morning, but no one was fighting so I kept going!

This kit is probably very familiar to you all. It's Grungy Athlete by Calico Designs. The font is Ranvik. I was brushing up on my extraction skills.

And a second one. The fonts are Tomaso and Talitha. (I did this one for a challenge at Sunshine Studio Scraps.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

An almost midnight scrap....

This was kinda fun to do! This is an old picture of me and the rest of the "neighborhood kids" on a boat ride in the Puget Sound. The kit is from Scrap Orchard and the template (sort of - it's been changed a lot) is from Tracy's Scraps.

Father's Day Challenge!

Well, I did it! I'm not the happiest with it, however. It wasn't going exactly the way I was hoping, but anyway, I did it! I used the same word art as Lacy :) and the papers is from Sunshine Studios.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

My Dad Page

Well, even though I'm not doing anything like this for Fathers Day I wanted to actually participate in a challenge so I just did a page with Jared and the kids. The word art is from elegant word art (Heather gave the link in an older post).

Another Page...

Here is one of my kids and my grandma - this is the first time I've used the Sepia color for the picture and I like how it turned out!

The Face

Hayden used to always make this face, so I had to make a page just for that face. I used a template from 3's enough and I can't remember where I got the paper, but I love the kit(it's called My Guy). I'm horrible at remembering where I got things.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A+ kids...

.... at least they are most of the time! This was a page that I made for a challenge over at Scrap Orchard. It was fun to do, I really like the report card idea and I think I'll use it in some of the kids school pages! I'm still planning on doing the Father's Day challenge, but I'm still working on it - creative constipation, I guess!!!!

I finally did a page!

I've been doing pages in order because I'm doing a book for Hayden. I've been stuck on these pictures for over a week. I couldn't think of what to do for them. As Jared put it I was having creative constipation-nice, I know! So I decided to copy Arlyn a little and use scenery as the background. So thank you Arlyn for the idea!!!